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A Christmas Carol - 2010/11
Horla Theatre Presents:
21st Dec 2010 – 8th Jan 2011
Cast: Adam de Ville, Chris Courtenay, Elisa Boyd, Kathryn O’Reilly, Anna Westlake, Martin Hearn, Dave Roberts and Alison Ward.
Adapted by Joanna Volinska
Directed by Alistair Green
Original music by Jonathan Langford and Carole Carpenter
Design by Tracy Waller
“If your deeds come to haunt you, it is time to make amends.”
Horla, the company that produced the GRIMMS Trilogy among other festive offerings, return to Trafalgar Studios 2 with their critically acclaimed adaptation of A Christmas Carol.
The heart of Ebenezer Scrooge is as cold as ice. Christmas, for the bitter old miser, is not a good enough reason to be jolly. But one Christmas Eve he is visited by the spirit of his late business partner Jacob Marley and three other ghosts...
Horla’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ melancholy tale will stay true to the original novel, concentrating on the darker aspects of the story and making the embittered Scrooge’s redemption all the more joyous and uplifting.
This production of a well-loved classic will be the perfect entertainment for the whole family. “May it haunt their houses pleasantly.”
Suitable for children of 6+ and their brave adults
“ ...this vibrant Dickens classic is loaded with feel-good Christmas spirit."
Evening Standard
"Horla's revived production of Joanna Volinska's adaptation is full of innovative, creepy little flourishes ...the ghosts are restrained and effective ... David Roberts's Ebeneezer is a genuinely compelling reading of the part ...Horla's production locates the humanity at the story's core."
Time Out
“In the framework of an old-fashioned tale well told Volinska and Green add plenty of thoughtful touches to make this one of the most compassionate of Carol versions.”
The Stage
"David Roberts makes a very good Scrooge in that his blue eyes turn to steel at the drop of a stovepipe hat and his redemptive mirth comes across as nearly as unexpected a surprise to him as Dickens meant it to be, to his readers ...put's a smile on the faces of the most unsentimental among us. Which according to Dickens when all is said and done, is what Christmas is all about."